Invitation Seminar
Space 4.0 in Flanders
21 September 2018 at 14h
Registration: (Free participation)
Brabanthal, Brabantlaan 1
3000 Leuven
Room Terra
Space 4.0: More than a buzzword in Flanders
Space 4.0 has become a term that covers many different aspects of an evolution in our sector. It is indeed clear to everyone in our industry that important evolutions are taking place and this cannot be ignored. New markets, new applications, new technologies and new ways of financing are changing rapidly the face of our industry. We are also confronted with these. VRI therefore decided already a few years ago to define a new strategy for the space industry in Flanders. We collaborated with a great enthusiasm with VARIO (the official innovation advice council of the Flemish government) in the preparation of it’s advice for our industry. Together with the other stakeholders (government, research and users) a far-reaching advice was drafted that will be the start of a further renewal of the space community in Flanders.
VRI also applied for the funding of a space cluster and the Flemish government approved this proposal. Our officially recognised cluster will help us to contribute to this new space economy in Flanders.
On September 21st we organise a seminar on the new space in Flanders which will be the more or less official start of the implementation of our strategy.
We will of course not do this alone. Our industry is an industry that needs an international environment. We also collaborate closely within Flanders en within Belgium with the federal government, BELSPO and with our colleagues in the other regions. We have therefore invited our colleagues from Wallonia to participate in our seminar. We aim at the common strategy for Belgium whereby each region contributes with it’s own strength. This is the only way to maintain our strong position in the global space industry and to strengthen it. You’re all cordially invited September 21st in Leuven.
13h30 Registration
14h-14h15 Welcome (Dirk Breynaert, Co-chairman VRI)
14h15-14h45 Space 4.0 and evolution of VRI (Frank Preud’homme, Co-chairman VRI)
14h45-15h15 Presentation advice VARIO “Flanders’ Space: a strategy for the Flemish Space Industry” (Danielle Raspoet, Secretary-director VARIO)
15h15-15h45 ESA and Space 4.0 (Jesse Phaler, Head of Industrial Auditing and Return Division, ESA)
15h45-16h Break
16h-16h30 Strategy of the Space Industry in Wallonia (Representative of Wallonie Espace)
16h30-17h The Flemish cluster Space 4.0 (Innovative Business Network) Conclusions (Hans Bracquené, Managing Director VRI, Chairman SME4SPACE)
17h Reception
Contributions in Dutch and in English
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