MAGICS Instruments NV
Industriezone Vlasmeer 5
2400 Mol
Tel. +32 14 58 59 27
Integrated circuits & systems for harsh environments
MAGICS Instruments NV (MAGICS®) is a spin-off company from KU Leuven (the University of Leuven, Belgium) / MICAS research group, KU Leuven Technology Campus Geel, KU Leuven / AdvISe research group, and SCK•CEN (the Belgium Nuclear Research Centre). MAGICS’ core competence lies in the design of CMOS integrated circuits (IC) and system-on-chips (SoC).
MAGICS is specialized in designing radiation-hardened ICs for space and nuclear applications, that are tolerant to single-event and total-ionizing-dose effects. MAGICS addresses customers’ demands by offering ASIC solutions, customized IC design services or IP licensing. The company also has easy access to various kinds of irradiation facilities, e.g., x-ray, cobalt-60, two-photon absorption laser, heavy ion, and proton.
At present, the MAGICS’ rad-hard technology is qualified under extreme radiation conditions and well received by our customers. From 2008 to 2017, MAGICS has successfully delivered several radiation-hardened integrated circuits development projects, including: picosecond time-to-digital converter for a pulsed-mode time-of-flight Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) system; MGy radiation tolerant sensor instrumentation link for nuclear environment; closed-loop motor control electronics for intelligent remote handling at ITER.
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